Networking Basics Pdf In Hindi

CCNA Training Course in Hindi The Only In-depth, Training Course in Hindi that helps you Learn CCNA concepts. Here’s a short overview of the topics which are covered in CCNA in Hindi Online Course: Fundamentals & Introduction to Networking for Beginners- Part 1; Fundamentals & Introduction to Networking for Beginners- Part 2. 9 IP version 4 193 9.1 The IPv4 Header.194 9.2 Interfaces. Firewalls and Network Security in Hindi Urdu 21 Computer Networking tutorial lecture. Visit for Firewalls and Network Security in Hindi U. Basic Computer Book In Hindi PDF Download (कम्प्यूटर नोट्स) नीचे दिए गए बटन के माध्यम से आप उपलब्ध नोट्स को प्राप्त कर सकते है, Computer GK PDF Download बहुत सी परीक्षाओ मे 2-4. Basic Networking Commands Explained with Examples. This tutorial explains basic networking commands (such as tracert, traceroute, ping, arp, netstat, nbstat, NetBIOS, ipconfig, winipcfg and nslookup) and their arguments, options and parameters in details including how they are used to troubleshoot the computer network.

  1. Networking Basics In Hindi Pdf
  2. Computer Networking Basics Pdf Book In Hindi

Today computer networks are everywhere.

You will find them in homes, offices, factories, hospitals leisure centres etc.

But how are they created? What technologies do they use?

In this tutorial you will learn the basic networking technologies, terms and concepts used in all types of networks both wired and wireless, home and office.

Home and Office Networks

The network you have at home uses the same networking technologies, protocols and services that are used in large corporate networks and on the Internet.

The only real difference between an home network and a large corporate network is the size.

A home network will have between 1 and 20 devices and a corporate network will have many thousands.

If you are completely new to networking then the basic course will introduce you to the basic networking protocols used in small home/office networks and on the Internet.

Setting Up and building a Home Network will introduce some basic networking component and show you how to build a home network and connect it to the Internet.

Networking Types and Structures

Networks can be wired or wireless with most networks being a mixture of both.

Wired vs Wireless Networks

Early (pre 2008) networks were predominately wired.

Today however most networks will use a mixture of wired and wireless network.

Wired networks use Ethernet as the data link protocol. This is unlikely to change with the IOT, as IOT devices will be predominantly wireless.

Wired Networks- Advantages and Disadvantages

Wired networks have the following advantages/disadvantages:

  • Ethernet ports are found on almost all laptops/PCs and netbooks even on those 8 years old.
  • Wired networks are faster than Wireless. Data rates were periodically increased from the original 10 megabits per second, to 1gigabits per second. Most home networks use 10-100Mbps.
  • More secure than Wireless


  • Need to Use cable which can be unsightly, difficult to run and expensive.
  • Can’t be used easily between buildings (planning etc).
  • Note a new technology that uses mains cable overcomes many of these disadvantages. powerline networking is common on home/small office networks
  • Not supported on Mobile phones and tablets.

Wireless Networks – Advantages and Disadvantages

Wireless networks use Wi-fi as the data link protocol. However other wireless options are being developed for the IOT (Internet of things). See Wireless networking Technologies for the IOT

Wireless Networks have the following advantages/disadvantages:


  • Generally easier to set up.
  • Can be used both on home and public networks
  • No cables required.
  • Can be used with mobile phones and tablets.

Wireless Networks Disadvantages

  • Generally Slower than wired networks.
  • Limited by range.
  • Open to eavesdropping.
  • Not as secure depending on set up.

Networking Topologies and Layout

There are many different ways network nodes can be connected together. This isn’t normally a consideration in small networks but has networks get larger it becomes more important.

There are many different ways network nodes can be connected together.

Common connection technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc are designed to work using a particular network topology.

When designing networks and choosing connection protocols having an understanding of these topologies is important.

Common are:

  • Bus
  • Ring
  • Mesh
  • Star
  • Hybrid

Each of these topologies has advantages and disadvantages this Network topologies article has a really good overview of each topology along with advantages and disadvantages.

Early Ethernet networks used a bus structure, modern Ethernet networks and Wi-Fi Networks. use a star bus (hybrid) structure.

However both Wi-Fi and bluetooth are being upgraded to support mesh networking.

Networking Topology- Physical vs Logical

How the nodes on a network communicate with each other can be very different to how they are physically interconnected.

Most Home and small office networks use a physical bus topology.

Common logical typologies are Peer to Peer and Client Server.

Networking basics pdf in hindi free

The web (WWW) is a client server network at the logical level.

Peer to Peer and Client Server Networking

Peer to Peer

in a peer to peer network all nodes are equal and any node can talk to any other node.

No node has any special role. This was the original networking model of windows networking. (windows for Workgroups)- Diagram below:

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Easier to setup
  • Not dependent on a single node
  • More resilient
  • Better distribution of network traffic
  • No central administrator required
  • Less expensive hardware required


  • Less secure and more difficult to secure
  • More difficult to administer
  • More difficult to backup
  • More difficult to locate information.

This was the original networking model used in early Windows networks (windows for Workgroups)

A Modern example of Peer to Peer networking is BitTorrent.

Although this networking model isn’t currently popular it could become more popular with the Internet of things (IOT).

Client Server

In a Client Server network a server has a special role e.g file server, domain controller, web server etc.

A client connects to a server to use the appropriate services.

This is the networking model used on the web and the Internet and on modern large Windows networks.-Diagram below:

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Easy to find resources as they are on a dedicated node i.e. A server
  • Easy to secure
  • Easy to administer
  • Easy to backup


  • Servers are a single point of failure
  • Expensive hardware required
  • Network traffic get concentrated

A Modern example of Client Server networking is the Web. Facebook,Twitter,Google search and many other web services use this networking model.

Network Size

Networks vary considerably in size.The following are commonly used terms:

  • PAN -Personal Area Network – Linking local devices e,g, PC to printer
  • LAN – Local Area network- links devices in an office or offices
  • MAN – Metropolitan Area network – links devices across multiple buildings like a campus
  • WAN – Wide area network – links devices across a country/countries.

Networking Levels and Layers and Protocols

A protocol defines a set of rules that govern how computers talk to each other.

Ethernet and Wi-Fi are Data link protocols that are responsible for framing data on the media (cable or wireless).

They can be used for carrying higher level protocols (IP etc)..

Ethernet and Wi-Fi use a physical level address know as the MAC address which is 48 bits.

EUI 64 addresses are MAC addresses with 64 bits will replace MAC addresses on IPV6, 6LoWPAN, ZigBee and other new network protocols. See this Wiki for details.

You can divide networking into distinct levels or layers.

Each level or layer is responsible for a particular function.

The OSI uses a 7 layer model and TCP/IP networks use a 4 layer model.

Because TCP/IP networks are the most common the TCP/IP model is the most important one to understand. The levels are:

  • Data link level – e.g. Ethernet, Wi-Fi
  • Networking e.g. IP, – IPv4 Address classes and subnetting and IPv6 Explained for Beginners.
  • Transport level e.g.TCP, UDP – See TCP vs UDP
  • Application level – e.g. HTTP -See HTTP for beginners

See Understanding the TCP/IP protocol suite and TCP port and sockets for details.

Network Addressing

What Is An IP Address?

Every device attached to a network, and the Internet has an IP address.

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication –WikI

There are two versions of IP, they are IPv4 and IPv6.

IPv4 has been in use since the start of the Internet, and is deployed across the Internet, and home/corporate networks.

IPv4 uses 32 bits for addressing, however due to the rapid growth of the Internet, all IPv4 addresses have been allocated (as of 2013).

Techniques like NAT (network Address Translation) have extended the life of IPv4 by allowing the use of privateIP addresses inside networks.

However IPv4 will eventually be replaced by IPV6 which uses 128 bits for the address, and so can accommodate many more hosts (computers/devices)

The roll out of IPv6 across the Internet is happening slowly, and IPv4 will be with us for many years to come especially in home and small office networks.

As IP6 rolls out they will also be a need to operate with two addresses until migration is complete, and IP4 is discontinued.

IP addresses are logical addresses, and are assigned by a network administrator or can be auto assigned ( using DHCP).–

The important thing to note is that the IP address of a device isn’t fixed.

Public and Private IP Addresses

Both IPv4 and IPV6 have both public and private address ranges.

The private addresses are used for home/business networks and the addresses aren’t routeable on the Internet i.e. they don’t travel across the internet.

For IP4 the private addresses starts with

10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x or 172.16.x.x

Public addresses are reachable from anywhere on the internet and are routeable.

See Internal and external IP addresses for more details

IP Address Assignment

Networking Basics In Hindi Pdf

Most modern networks use automatic IP address assignment via DHCP with manual assignment only being done in special cases.

For home networks the Internet router or hub usually provides DHCP services for the network.

For larger networks a dedicated DHCP server is normally used.

Most windows machines will auto assign their own address if they fail to find a DHCP server.

This can cause problems see troubleshooting Internet connections.

IP Addresses and Domain Names

Computers use numbers (IP addresses ) but people use names as they are much easier to remember.

When you type in a domain name into your web browser the name is translated into an IP address by a DNS server usually located on the Internet.

Your computer will resolve the name using a name resolving process. See

Other Networking Tutorials

CCNA Tutorials for Beginners in Hindi.


Dear Learner,

Let’s face the truth

Learning Networking is really tough!!

You cannot learn Networking or CCNA without doing it.

You cannot learn Networking or CCNA without doing practicals

You cannot learn Networking or CCNA without repeating what you have learned.

You cannot learn Networking or CCNA without practice.

You’ll need do self-study and practice all the topics twice or thrice to master CCNA concepts.

There are many opportunities in networking domain and only missing part is proper knowledge of the subject.

Nowadays things are available at a single click, all the resources are available at your door steps. You need to make sure you have a plan and then you stick to that plan.

The hardest and toughest part of learning networking and CCNA is self-practice and dedication.

CCNA is the foundation of learning networking. This is the first stepping stone to build an amazing career in networking domain.

It is very easy to read through endless of articles online and watching videos but when it comes to practice most of the candidates get stuck.

Unfortunately, most of the candidates stop at learning Networking / CCNA or further certification course because they do not perform practicals. They don’t implement what they have learned.

Do you know the demand of networking candidates is increasing day by day?

But there is lack of awareness among beginners about the Networking Industry.

You will rarely get Practical Networking Knowledge in college, colleges does not have sufficient infrastructure to teach you networking practically.

Networking Basics Pdf In Hindi

Another challenge is that the Networking industry is constantly changing & evolving. Networking candidates are required to keep themselves updated with the recent technology changes.

One of the best ways to learn Networking or CCNA is to learn from someone who is experienced into this domain and know the technology in depth.

Networking Basics Pdf In Hindi

You should check the credentials of the person or training institution from whom you are going to take the training or courses!

Why CCNA plays an important role?

CCNA is the foundation of networking. CCNA Routing and Switching content consist of most crucial fundaments of networking technology.

So mastering CCNA is must for candidates who are planning to make their dread career in networking domain.

That is why we have put together one of the Best Online CCNA in Hindi recorded sessions here on this website.

And the best part is, it is a COURSE with lot of practical’s. Almost all the major topics practical’s are mentioned in this course.

Please note: In this course few times you may find some background noise. But you will learn entire CCNA in depth.

Nothing will be hidden from you. All these videos will help you learn CCNA effectively and you can even download these videos.


CCNA Training Course in Hindi

The Only In-depth, Training Course in Hindi that helps you Learn CCNA concepts

Here’s a short overview of the topics which are covered in CCNA in Hindi Online Course:

  1. Fundamentals & Introduction to Networking for Beginners- Part 1
  2. Fundamentals & Introduction to Networking for Beginners- Part 2
  3. Fundamentals & Introduction to Networking for Beginners- Part 3
  4. Server Based Networking Fundamentals
  5. How to Download And Install Cisco Packet Tracer
  6. How to Download-Install & Working with Basic GNS3 Setup
  7. How to Download, Install, Integrate & Work with GNS3 & Vmware Workstation
  8. How to Install Cisco IOS on GNS3 and VMware Workstation Environment
  9. Introduction to OSI Model
  10. TCP/IP
  11. IP Addressing & Subnetting – Part 1
  12. IP Addressing & Subnetting – Part 2
  13. Router Basics
  14. IOS Basics and Configuration Commands – Part 1
  15. IOS Basics and Configuration Commands -Part 2
  16. Introduction to IP Routing
  17. IP Routing Protocols
  18. Introduction to Packet Tracer : Static Routing
  19. How to configure Static Routing on Three Routers
  20. Introduction to RIP
  21. How to configure RIP on routers
  22. Introduction to EIGRP
  23. How to configure EIGRP on routers
  24. Introduction to OSPF
  25. How to configure OSPF on routers
  26. Cisco OSPF vs EIGRP | Difeerence between OSPF and EIGRP Routing Protocols
  27. Routing over Frame-Relay Network using Frame Relay Switch
  28. How to Use Router as a Frame-Relay Switch
  29. Introduction to access List
  30. Configuration of Access List on Routers
  31. Introduction & Configuration of NAT
  32. Introduction to LAN Switching
  33. Configuration of VLAN on Switches
  34. Introduction to VTP
  35. Configuration of VTP on Switches
  36. Check the video/Review the Video
  37. Understanding Topology Changes in STP
  38. STP Configuration and Verification
  39. Introduction to WAN
  40. Configuration of WAN Protocols: PPP & Frame Relay
  41. Check the Video/Repeat Video of 35 (This is deleted from Youtube)
  42. Introduction to IPv6
  43. IPv6 – Configuration and Routing
Networking Basics Pdf In Hindi

Once you complete this course, you’ll be able to understand all the above mentioned topics theoretically and practically.

Here are the Chapters, its duration and the direct link to watch the videos.
Take a notebook and while watching the videos make notes and install the software’s as demonstrated in the videos.

Topic NameDurationView
#1: Fundamentals & Introduction to Networking for Beginners- Part 101:47:26View
#2: Fundamentals & Introduction to Networking for Beginners- Part 201:40:25View
#3: Fundamentals & Introduction to Networking for Beginners- Part 301:34:05View
Server Based Networking Fundamentals37:32View
How to Download And Install Cisco Packet Tracer08:56View
How to Download-Install & Working with Basic GNS3 Setup13:33View
How to Download, Install, Integrate & Work with GNS3 & Vmware Workstation07:40View
How to Install Cisco IOS on GNS3 and VMware Workstation Environment12:47View
Introduction to OSI Model01:16:10View
Introduction to TCP/IP50:03View
IP Addressing & Subnetting – Part 150:03View
IP Addressing & Subnetting – Part 240:44View
Router Basics08:33View
IOS Basics and Configuration Commands – Part 159:43View
IOS Basics and Configuration Commands – Part 21:00:23View
Introduction to IP Routing54:46View
IP Routing Protocols14:14View
Introduction to Packet Tracer : Static Routing33:37View
How to configure Static Routing on Three Routers20:39View
Introduction to RIP25:47View
How to configure RIP on routers59:32View
Introduction to EIGRP49:04View
How to configure EIGRP on routers34:30View
Introduction to OSPF50:31View
How to configure OSPF on routers32:04View
Cisco OSPF vs EIGRP | Difference between OSPF and EIGRP Routing Protocols07:56View
Routing over Frame-Relay Network using Frame Relay Switch29:43View
How to Use Router as a Frame-Relay Switch10:34View
Introduction to access List44:34View
Configuration of Access List on Routers45:39View
Introduction & Configuration of NAT1:10:34View
Introduction to LAN Switching54:50View
Configuration of VLAN on Switches29:36View
Introduction to VTP38:11View
Configuration of VTP on Switches29:25View
Understanding Topology Changes in STP14:48View
STP Configuration and Verification27:36View
Introduction to WAN34:18View
Configuration of WAN Protocols: PPP & Frame Relay27:41View
Introduction to IPv642:11View
IPv6 – Configuration and Routing48:41View
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Books Recommended For CCNA Routing and Switching:

Computer Networking Basics Pdf Book In Hindi

Interview Guides for CCNA Routing and Switching:
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